What is UNFPA
With Sri Lanka recently emerging as a middle income country, UNFPA is shifting its activity focus from capacity building and service delivery to focus on addressing the three key population issues in Sri Lanka, through policy dialogue, policy advice and policy advocacy in the coming years.
  • Provide technical assistance and build the capacity of the Dept. of National Planning for the integration of demographic variables into policymaking, development planning and budgeting using tools such as a comprehensive population situation analysis
  • Working with the Ministry of Finance and Planning in the analysis of demographic data to support the development and implementation of national public investment strategies
  • Supporting policy formulation and updates to address changing population dynamics

Supporting the availability of data and knowledge on the status of reproductive health in Sri Lanka through:

  • Dissemination of census data
  • Further analysis of census data through preparation of in-depth monographs on major population issues such as ageing, family composition, gender and youth
  • Support in conducting a Demographic Health Survey with special focus on gender-based violence and youth

Monitoring universal access to reproductive health through research and data analysis in partnership with the Ministry of Health